If you lived here, you’d probably love this house as much as my wife and I do. We love the outdoor living, the comfortable Baby-Bear-just-right-feel to it, and the fact it’s been some of the most affordable housing in the city of Nashville. It’s not the newest, trendiest, or most feature-full house in Music City, but it’s a great place to live. It’s been a great home for us.

Oh, yeah, Laura and I live in Nashville, Tennessee at the moment. I say “the moment” because I’ve accepted a new position in Austin, Texas (the other music city) so, you guessed it, we have to sell this house.

So…the purpose of this website is pretty simple–to connect people who need a house like ours with, er, our house. I’m going to tell you everything you would likely want to know about this place and then some. I’ll tell you why we bought it, how we’ve improved it, and why we love today. Heck, I’ll even show you pictures of the neighborhood.

If you want to click around on a realtor website with the other half-million (or so it seems) houses available in Middle Tennessee, calculating square feet and reading about upgraded thises or newly replaced thats and staring at antiseptic pictures of empty rooms, blah, blah, blah, you are more than welcome to go to our realtor’s site and look around. In fact, it’s probably a good idea. But if want the inside scoop–the story–of this house, stay here. No sense you wasting time driving over here if I could help you determine in advance it’s not your cup of tea.

But if what I tell you on this site appeals to you at all, you better get over here before it’s gone.

We were looking for certain benefits.  This house supplied them.

  • We wanted to stay in Davidson County.  The local suburb is called Donelson, but it’s a Nashville address.nashville map
  • We wanted Outdoor Living. We wanted an enclosed or screened porch, a deck, and some backyard, ’cause we love to hang out outside.  I even put a TV out there.outdoor living
  • We wanted a fence to contain our great Golden Retriever, Huck.  He has lots of running room.  He does not convey.


  • We wanted a house large enough for our kids to visit (we have 7) or stay-short term, but not so large that they would want to stay. If you’re an empty nester or nearing it, I don’t have to explain.

This house is perfect for you, if…

  • Your kids are mostly gone. Even though a daughter and newborn granddaughter lived with us for 18 months, four people really max the house out for long-term comfort.  And the backyard isn’t conducive for football.

Dora and Huck in the midst

  • You have a dog.  Huck and Dora have lots of room to play and its completely safe for them.  Chloe and Cassius, the dogs on either side of us, make great (quiet) neighbors to sniff through the fence.
  • You like “outdoor living.” Can’t say this enough.  The trees out back create a shaded canopy under which smaller trees like dogwoods grow.  We’ve planted lots of perennials that will return every year.  The knockout roses will be fully bushed-out next summer–and will be gorgeous.  Butterflies and hummingbirds love us.  We consider the sun porch one of our three living areas, mt deckusing it about equally with the living room and downstairs “media” room.  And, our friends and visitors call our deck, “The Best Deck in Nashville.”
hosta bed

Hosta bed, 5 varieties

  • You fly a lot. We’re five minutes from the airport…though NOT in the flight path (there’s more noise over on the rich side of town).  When one of us flies, we drop them off on the way to work and vice versa.
  • You’re comfortable in your skin. This was our realtor’s comment, and he’s right.  If you’re looking for a Showcase of Homes type house, a place wherebirthdaytime the house will impress your friends with all its modern features…this isn’t that kind of house.  We’ve made the house fit our personality and our sensibilities, not the other way around.

I asked people who have dropped by our house from time to time to tell us what they like about the house.  Here’s what they say…

Not everything is perfect, even for us.  I’m just saying…

So don’t buy this house, if…

  • You can’t handle stairs. The only way in or out of house’s main floor is up some stairs.  No sense getting your hopes up if eight or more steps is a deal breaker.

This view gives you an idea of the pitch of the backyard. But Genevieve is cuter.

  • You feel you need a flat lawn. You’re going to need a self-propelled mower or, better yet, teenagers who need money.
  • You’ve recently heard your spouse say, “Honey, this time I’d really like some nice big closets.” Truth is, Laura and I keep our clothing in separate bedrooms and take a trip to Goodwill at least once a year.